Thankful for: good grade

Last week has been an emotional roller coaster ride. First the news of my state splitting and then writing the flip side series was tiring. I have realized that social, religious and political issues drain us more than personal issues, provided we feel really strong about them. That might be because we start worrying about stuff that is not totally under our control.  These issues make us think how unfair this world is and all that negative stuff. Negativity (bad) stuff is always draining, and maybe that is why they say “see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil.”Does that mean we should be indifferent to these issues? “NO”. Every change starts with one step, (thought).  Just like Ying-Yang, every negative thought should be balanced with a positive thought. Since positivity keeps us moving towards our goal of wiping of negativity, today I decided to make a post on what I am thankful for this week.

“D” got the grades today for his technical calculus-I class and he got an “A”. This is his first main course, (he had electives till now,) since he started going back to school. In the beginning of the semester he was really struggling and it almost felt impossible that he will get an “A”. But, he kept at it, and I decided not to burden him with any more remodeling of the house. Some of our friends and family made comments how “D” is not finishing the house work, (he is known for his procrastination capabilities. lol.) But I stood by him and told them that his school is our priority. I choose his school and his fun time over my over ambitious remodeling. After all that is what is going to help us in the long run. Our house was ripped apart, but who cares. Today, I am so proud of him and myself, (I did not nag him). Although I would have been okay if he got a “B” but “A” is always welcome. Lol. It would also earn brownie points for him with my parents.

The fall semester he is going to take calculus-II, and he has to drive everyday for an hour to school. Most people it might not be a big deal, but for “D” it is. It is outside his comfort zone, and I am really thankful that he is doing this for us. This semester’s results make me confident that he is prepared for what is to come. I told him how proud I was and cried. He was surprised that his going back to school really meant so much to me. I always wanted to be the woman behind my man’s success story.  I am the reason why “D” is back in school to complete his bachelors. He only had associates before and never planned to go back to college. I am really excited to see him grow through the journey of becoming an electrical engineer. My mother always told me that it is a fantasy because men do not listen to women. That’s another reason why “D” is my prince charming. Cheesy, but true. Lol. I think the main motivation for “D” is it would help him get my parents approval. If you did not already know it, my parents are suckers for education.

In the beginning, when “D” started the college, most of his family, (especially D’s dad,) thought it was waste of money. But now, seeing how serious “D” is about it, they have a changed attitude. I am sure D’s dad would be proud too when he hears the news. He was actually asking him a lot about his school this semester.

So, I’m thankful to God for blessing me with a man like “D,” and giving “D” the strength, heart, determination, and resources to accomplish this task.

what are you thankful for this week? Comment below.

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  1. Raina

     /  August 8, 2013

    Thank you.

  2. That is great. He will benefit greatly in life from having a supportive and encouraging spouse like you!
    The whole debate last week was dramatic but after it is over, I feel reborn and grateful to hear others’ opinions. A tree of knowledge grew from it…


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