Small things matter: Encouragement

When we were kids, our parents encourage us to achieve our goals. As we grow up and move away from our parents, we need someone to tell us that we still have it in us. That role is usually taken up by our better half. There is a slight difference between parents and better half. Parents could criticize and punish us if we did not do our job well. That is not the case with our (potential) spouse. We are equal partners and we are on the same team so, we need to understand that punishing or criticizing would be a disaster to our relationship. Subtle criticism wrapped in lovable words can work its magic, but we need to be very careful not to sound like we are disappointed with them. That is a very faint line and never cross it. (more…)

Thankful for: Recovery and heart to heart talks

It’s been a long time since my last “Blessings” post and so it is time to remind myself what I am thankful for.

Firstly, “D” fell sick last week, and thankfully, he recovered and doing well now. He missed me so much that he caught flu – R effect. 🙂 I think he has been a big monkey staying up late into the night playing video games or browsing and taking advantage of all the “me time” he got. Therefore, he did not finish his homework in the weekend and got really little sleep throughout the week. This probably stressed him out, and he fell sick. Hopefully, he learnt his lesson and will stop being a monkey. 🙂 (more…)

Small things matter: Co-operation

Thank God its D’s turn to do something for me. 😉 One of the important qualities that a couple must have is co-operation. We should understand that we both are equally responsible to keep this life train moving without a breakdown. One of the big problem women have with men (husbands, brothers, sons) is not doing their chores. They either postpone them or just don not care. Guys turn a deaf ear when asked for help with some of the chores around the house. I experienced this with my X and sometimes with my brother. They have their priorities like watching TV, playing games, sleeping or acting like couch potatoes. This kind of behavior really annoys me, and I am assuming a lot of women feel the same way. (more…)

Thankful for: Delays

As I said in my previous post, I am planning to move to my brother’s place. He lives in a small apartment with a roommate. When I told my family I want to move, he decided to get a bigger place so I can have my personal space. He initially thought he could move to the new place in the first or second week of August. He was prepared to pay $500 for some fees if they let him move within a week. My parents were on board with this plan. I did not like the idea of spending all that money so we can get in 2 weeks early. My family was worried if they do not jump on it, I might change my mind. I told them I would not, but that did not help. I even threatened them that I will not go if they spend $500. That did not work either, and they continued with the idea. (more…)

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